The Workplace

Firms should deal with absentees


Jobs don't have to be held open indefinitely if an employee cannot do the work. By Howard Levitt, of Levitt LLP. This article originally appeard in Postmedia News on October 8, 2010. Paralyzed by fear of human rights and harassment complaints, workers' compensation applications and other litigation, Canadian employers and their legal counsel often ignore [...]

Firms should deal with absentees2018-04-17T15:55:47+00:00

Employment considerations of the H1N1 pandemic


The current H1N1 Pandemic presents obvious difficulties for both employers and employees alike. Something you may not have considered however, are the legal implications of some business continuity plans as they relate to your employees. This article outlines the responsibilities you have to your employees while handling the pandemic. September 28, 2009 | Hena K. [...]

Employment considerations of the H1N1 pandemic2018-04-17T15:56:12+00:00

Early Intervention Services for Healthcare Problems


  RupertUp? Respond…One of the more silly names that we have come across for a professional product, but nonetheless, a product that we suspect might have widespread appeal for those medium to large employers who want the expertise of a clinician on call to assist them with everything from complex healthcare management, assistance with WSIB [...]

Early Intervention Services for Healthcare Problems2018-04-17T15:56:12+00:00

Pre-Paid Legal


  Until recently, only the wealthiest Canadians could afford to keep a lawyer on retainer. Now, there is another way to access legal services, but at a fraction of the cost. For a monthly fee ($18.50 to $24.95), Pre-Paid Legal will cover a variety of legal services, such as; legal consultation and advice, letters and [...]

Pre-Paid Legal2018-04-17T15:56:12+00:00

Employee Assistance Programs


Boosting productivity, building commitment and managing workplace risk. These are catchy phrases that might get the attention of the human resource manager. However, an owner might respond, how does that benefit me and how does that translate into better profits or higher client retention rates? For starters, management should note that for every dollar invested [...]

Employee Assistance Programs2018-04-17T15:56:13+00:00
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