benefits canada

Human Capital Benefits participates in Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships


Chris Pryce of Human Capital Benefits was chosen to attend a council meeting with selected advisors/consultants, pharmacy and drug manufacturers to review presentations on evidence informed decision making through the Private payer lens, plan sponsor obligations and pharmacogenics.  There will be a report published for Benefits Canada in Summer 2021.

Human Capital Benefits participates in Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships2021-05-10T17:39:28+00:00

Benefits Canada asks Chris Pryce for opinion on virtual care


Great article by Cassandra Williamson-Hopp on the moves taken by Ontario Power Generation in the area of virtual care.  Providing leading edge benefits for their insured members and dependents is clearly a priority and we to see the uptake of these services as a landscape changer.  For our part, we are recommending free services like [...]

Benefits Canada asks Chris Pryce for opinion on virtual care2020-05-17T13:28:45+00:00

How OPG is leveraging virtual care to improve health access


Cassandra Williamson-Hopp | May 15, 2020 -  Benefits Canada Quotes from Chris Pryce - Human Capital Benefits In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, virtual health care is taking center stage. But Ontario Power Generation was ahead of the curve, introducing a pilot project in 2019 to help employees with high mental-health incidences and absenteeism [...]

How OPG is leveraging virtual care to improve health access2020-05-17T13:07:08+00:00

CEWS and CERB programs – response to COVID-19


Rayaz Khan | April 14, 2020 | Benefits Canada The COVID-19 pandemic has created many complicated issues for employers. Prudent employers should ensure they’re aware of the resources that may be available during this uncertain time when information regarding government support is rapidly changing. Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy On March 30, the federal government announced [...]

CEWS and CERB programs – response to COVID-192020-04-15T12:59:12+00:00

Article picked up by Benefits Canada


Many thanks to Benefits Canada for publishing my latest article on what we saw in 2019 and earlier with respect to premium benefits cost trends. All too often, we are hearing from Insurers and those publishing their 'trend surveys' that high single digit costs escalations should be expected; given high cost drugs, etc. Then, not surprising [...]

Article picked up by Benefits Canada2020-02-03T04:50:57+00:00
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