Dental benefits

Why Waiving Dental Co-payments is a “No, No”


Although dental coverage today is different from true “insurance”, in that the plan sponsors pay for all the claims members use, plus an administration fee to the Insurer, dental coverage is viewed consistently as one of the most important and highly desirable aspects of an employee benefit plan. Recently, dentistry has been under scrutiny. Insurers [...]

Why Waiving Dental Co-payments is a “No, No”2020-02-02T15:50:19+00:00

Partnering for drug plan sustainability


With the drug plan landscape continuing to shift and the idea of sustainability hanging in the balance, managing costs and value for the plan members is what is ultimately at risk. The 2019 Canadian Leadership Council on Drug Plan Partnerships recently hosted a roundtable discussion on the drug benefit and how it is an ongoing [...]

Partnering for drug plan sustainability2019-10-17T19:58:14+00:00

2018 Provincial Dental Association Fee Guide Adjustments


Employee benefit plan sponsors will note that with each renewal, their Provider will assign a trend/inflation increase to their dental renewal rates for the upcoming period. Dental trend is broken down into two components; one being utilization, whereby there is an expectation of increased usage of the plan as members become more aware of their dental benefits and suppliers [...]

2018 Provincial Dental Association Fee Guide Adjustments2018-05-12T14:09:18+00:00

Suggested Dental Fee Guide Increases for 2015


Suggested Dental Fee Guide Increases for 2015 It’s that time of year when most provincial and territorial dental associations’ release their annual dental fee guides. Typically, there is an overall increase for dental services provided by general practitioners. We use the information contained in the dental fee guides to establish reimbursement levels for the dental [...]

Suggested Dental Fee Guide Increases for 20152018-04-17T15:55:13+00:00

Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide – Effective January, 2012


The Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide releases the new rates that members of their Association are encouraged to charge. The overall increase for 2012 is 2.54%. Typically, there is an increase across the board for dental services performed by general practitioners.  The increase is a weighted average, which is based on the frequency of procedures occurring in [...]

Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide – Effective January, 20122018-04-17T15:55:46+00:00
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